7 Dog Supplements to Consider Pre and Post TPLO Surgery

Holistic Joint Health for Dogs - Herbs and Supplements

Joint and ligament health is one of many areas dog owners’ often overlook or neglect. In some cases, dog owners are simply unaware of its importance over the course of their dog’s life. Why is joint and ligament health so important?  Well, I’m glad you asked. Nearly one million dogs a year succumb to an Anterior (ACL) and cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) tear, rupture, or related injury just in the United States alone. These sorts …

8 Risk Factors for Dog’s Rupturing Cranial Cruciate Ligament

If you’ve ever witnessed a dog walking or hopping around, favoring the stronger hind leg and not placing weight on the weaker or lame hind limb, then you’ve likely witnessed a dog with a torn or rupture cranial cruciate ligament (CCL), also known as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The CCL is a critical part of the dog’s body to stabilize the knee joint in supporting the dogs weight. Much like a human ACL, the CCL …

4 Common TPLO Surgery Alternatives for Your Dog

4 Common TPLO Surgery Alternatives for Your Dog

Believe it or not, your dog injuring one or multiple legs, especially tearing or rupturing its cranial cruciate ligament (CCL), is about as common as accidentally biting one’s tongue. And although as painful as biting one’s tongue, CCL injuries sustained by dogs are severely painful, affecting knee stability and can likely lead to osteoarthritis development when not treated and rehabbed property. There are a number of surgical and non-surgical options and elective treatment to get …

Affordable TPLO Surgery Financing Options for Dog Owners

When your dog suffers from any sort of misery or disease, you ironically feel his or her pain too. Moreover, when it comes to the CCL (cranial cruciate ligament), you won’t be able to bear seeing your four-legged loved one in pain, of course. You like many other dog owners love and would do anything for your dog’s quality of life to be optimal. Having your dog undergo tibial plateau leveling osteotomy surgery, commonly known …

5 Reasons to Euthanize Dogs with Severe Knee Injuries

First and foremost, the last words anyone wants to hear or realize that they must make the difficult decision to humanely end the life of an adored family member that has brought them much joy and fond memories. The same can be said when a dog owner hears the following words from a veterinarian about their dog’s sustain knee injury: “Your dog has torn or ruptured its CCL, and needs surgery immediately.” These words have …